Syrian Youth opinion polls results - "Young Voices" project - NWS 2023

Peace Building
author-image Say Platform 9 months ago

Door Beyond War (DBW) and the Youth for Change Network (YCN) carried out youth-led participatory opinion polls as part of the "Youth Voices" project. Young individuals aged 18 to 29 underwent comprehensive training in participatory needs assessment and opinion poll methodologies. Subsequently, In a participatory manner, these young people, along with data analysts and coaches, developed the necessary tools, and gathered data from 400 young men and women in northwest Syria.

This data collection process served a dual purpose. Not only was it a valuable training experience, but the results also played a pivotal role in shaping the electoral programs that young candidates proposed within the project. The findings from these opinion polls directly informed the development of these electoral programs.

This approach allowed young participants to acquire practical skills and hands-on experience in conducting opinion polls, fostering a sense of ownership and significantly enhancing the quality of the research outcomes. Importantly, the research was conducted by young people to authentically represent the views and opinions of their peers.

To access the results of the opinion poll, please follow the link on the SAY platform. Additionally, for more in-depth insights, we invite you to attend the upcoming conference.


Approximately 400 opinion polls were carried out among young women and men in Syria to determine their high priority sectors. The study revealed that the majority of participants prioritized service sectors, such as education, work, and health, while secondary sectors like community participation, sports, culture, and media were considered of lesser importance. As a young Syrian, do you believe that these research findings accurately represent your own priorities? Feel free to share your opinion in the comments.







Total votes 15


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